Home Life Skills Coaching
Life Skills Training
We believe that every individual has a capability and potential to succeed in life. With a little support and guided nurturing almost, everyone can be directed towards the path of success and happiness

This is what WHO says about life skills and mental health in adolescents.
We have aligned an 18 module program in synch with WHO guidelines, objective and outcome of the program is better mental health and an improved coping mechanism for adolescents and young adults. Parents, guardians, and caregivers can also benefit through this program as they can identify with the issues and how to handle those in more congenial manner.

Life Skills topics to be covered each week
- Self Confidence
- Self Discipline
- Positive attitude
- Time Management
- Team Management
- Emotion Handling
- Effective Communication
- Gender Sensitization
- Peer Pressure
- Decision Making
- Leadership
- Dealing with Anxiety and Depression
- Creativity Quotient
- Problem Solving & Conflict Resolution
- Handling Critical Situations & People
- Art of Convincing
- Importance of Ethics & Values
- Social Media Etiquettes

We can also do workshops for adults and working professionals on these topics
- Work Life Balance
- Handling Crisis
- Cause & Result Analysis
- Fish Bone Diagram

The workshops are conducted by experienced and qualified trainers. Each session is conducted in an extremely planned structured yet engaging manner.
- It would start with an introduction and ice breaking activity.
- Followed by a self-assessment/ self-analysis section (pertaining to the topic).
- Next comes an informative segment which is carried out through storytelling, interesting role play videos or case study discussions etc. Here session becomes quite interactive and reflective as attendees can identify themselves with the issues being discussed.
- Finally, it comes to an end with introspective deliberating and impressions through a feedback activity on topic and session as a wholesome experience.

We have been successfully conducting this development program for students of all ages in various schools and corporates. It is our endeavour to make every session a lasting and memorable experience for all our attendees.