Home High School Students
For High School Students
High School years are the most crucial years for any students, the decisions taken during the high school years have a great impact on a student’s future course of action, career, and life. It is pertinent that a student makes informed choices and is able to follow a path which will lead to success and happiness as a person and a professional. High School students go through a series of changes on various levels and hence are mostly confused or not clear about taking the right decision as far as their career is concerned. They get influenced by parental pressure or aspirations, peers and the glamour of few professions which might not be suitable for them. They need right kind of guidance which is not only scientific but also in accordance with their interests and personalities.

A high School student must go for an aptitude, interest, and personality test at least once to ascertain the stream selection and future course for tertiary education. In India main objective for acquiring education is get a successful career over the period of time, hence it is all the more important to take right decisions at the right time. These tests which are also called psychometric tests, help a student understand his or her need for bridging the skill gap that might be there to get onto the desired career path.
When high school students’ choice of stream is aligned with their aptitude, interest and personality, the probability of obtaining good score and success is higher as compared to when a stream has been imposed upon a student.

Aptitude + Interest Test
₹ 2000/-
Who is this for?
How to Choose Stream After Grade 10th - Part 1
How to Choose Stream After Grade 10th - Part 2
Test Packages Offered
The tests have been combined into different packages for ease of use for different users. The tests can be taken individually as well. For ease of use for different users and to get relative inferences during one to one counselling.
(Frequently Asked Questions)
No one has the answer to the question What is best for a student? Not even their parents/teachers, so how can a career guide give them the right solution or an answer who has no information about that student. Reports of these tests give and insight to the counsellor/guide for the basis of one to one discussion, hence to suggest the student an informed choice counsellor needs some fundamental information which can be derived from the reports of these psychometric tests.
High School student need specific and customised career guidance depending upon their aptitude, interest, and personality types and this is a scientific way of choosing stream or career path.
The ideal age group for these tests is 14 years onwards and there is no upper limit of age, adults of any age can take the test.
Test Packages Offered
The tests have been combined into different packages for ease of use for different users. The tests can be taken individually as well. For ease of use for different users and to get relative inferences during one to one counselling.